Mobility – the road ahead

For some 60 years, we have provided financial services and transport opportunities that benefit our customers. With a clear focus on sustainability, our sights are now set on accelerating the transition to tomorrow’s mobility.

What do we mean by sustainable mobility?

We aim to make the transition to sustainable transportation a smooth one. Creating smart solutions – in close collaboration with our partners – enables us to develop mobility that optimizes resource utilization. This means accelerating the shift to cleaner cars, exploring alternative forms of transportation, and ensuring that vehicles not only last longer but are used by more people – a circular transition we refer to as sustainable mobility.

Aiming to stay on target

These days, sustainability is high on most agendas – the trend clearly pointing to an increase in electric vehicles. Our overarching goal is to reduce the average CO₂ emissions of the bank’s fleet of cars by 30% in 2025 and 70% by 2030 (based on the 2020 baseline). Key, as ever, is to provide partners and customers with the proper guidance. For example, through Ziklo Fleet Services, we are currently developing the most sustainable mobility policies possible.

Driving towards fossil-free mobility

Our green financing represents a leap in the bank’s vision and shift to fossil-free vehicles. Our investor report on green bonds provides useful information on our green framework, financing contracts, standard car models included in the green portfolio – and, ultimately, actual climate benefits.

A working guide

Sustainability is key at Ziklo. Our sustainability policy is a guide, highlighting our responsibility to customers, partners, employees, society, and the world around us. The policy is divided into four areas: ecological, social, economic sustainability, and responsible corporate governance. Our efforts align with the United Nations’ global goals.

  • Ecological sustainability

    We assume long-term responsibility with the aim of reducing our ecological footprint within the framework of technical and financial viability. 

  • Social sustainability

    We promote sound, egalitarian business practices and want to be perceived as an attractive employer in step with the times.

  • Economic sustainability

    Sustainable business operations need financial muscle. To this end, the bank complies with anti-money laundering laws and engages in prudent lending practices.

  • Responsible corporate governance

    We practice responsible lending, combat crime, maintain an effective whistleblower programme, and provide continuous training for our personnel.

How do we work with TCFD?

Ziklo collaborates with TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) in order to seamlessly integrate sustainability into the operation. Utilizing TCFD makes it easier to identify and address climate-related risks and opportunities in the following sectors:

  • Governance
  • Strategy
  • Risk management
  • Metrics & Targets

We are proud of our sustainability rating

Ziklo has achieved a sustainability rating of GOLD in the 2023 assessment by EcoVadis. EcoVadis – the global leader in corporate sustainability rankings – evaluates environmental practices, working conditions, accountability, and ethics. The methodology is based on internationally accepted sustainability reporting standards, including GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), UN Global Compact, and ISO 26000.

Sustainability – the whole story

Ziklo’s sustainability report provides comprehensive information on our work in ecological, social, and economic sustainability, in addition to responsible corporate governance.

Sustainability reports